Inducoat Cleaner is a product designed to be used before you apply Inducoat Fungi anti-mould paint.

The cleaner is waterborne and non-toxic. It kills the mould and doesn’t just bleach it.

Recommended use

Inducoat cleaners should be used for internal applications only.

Spray the affected area, and leave for 12 hours to give the cleaner time to kill the existing mould.

Proceed with your preparation and application of Inducoat Fungi as you would any other paint.

Inducoat Fungi has a unique authorisation number 13820 N (NOTE: 13620 N applicable from Feb 2018) provided by the Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides. All coatings are produced conform to ISO9001, and their product quality is guaranteed in line with our terms & conditions.